Smacna hvac duct construction standards metal and flexible, 3rd ed. Mcgill airflow receives many inquiries each year from contractors, who are performing leak tests in the. Advantages high strength, rigidity, durability, rust resistant, availability, nonporous, workability and weldability. Corporate headquarters sheet metal connectors, inc. Duct construction standards, metal and flexible, third edition, 2005. A quick overview of the changes is provided in the front of this manual.
As an ansiaccredited standards developing organization, smacna standards and manuals address all facets of the sheet metal industry, from duct construction and installation to air pollution control, energy recovery and roofing. This third edition of the smacna commercial metal and flexible duct construction standards is another in a long line dating from the 1950s. The research also led to the development of the smacna hvac air duct leakage test manual. The research also led to the development of the smacna hvac air duct leakage test manual 1st edition. Research proved that duct leakage could be well defined as a function of the static pressure and the surface area of the duct. Hvac duct construction standards metal and flexible, 3rd.
The standard contains tables and details for constructing ductwork for. Smacna standard ansismacna 006 hvac duct construction standards metal and flexible, 3rd edition, 2005 pdf download. Smacna standard ansi smacna 006 hvac duct construction standardsmetal and flexible, 3rd edition, 2005 pdf download as low as. The sheet metal and air conditioning contractors national association smacna has published the second edition of its rectangular industrial duct construction standards according to smacna, the updated 446page manual expands the scope of the 1980 version, updating the original text to incorporate a revised theory of design. Duct construction 91599 international training institute 1 duct constructionduct construction commonly used materials galvanized steel applications widely used as duct material for most air handlinggy systems. Hvac duct construction standards metal and flexible, 3rd edition, 2005. The results of these certified tests which permit the variation are shown on the back page of this manual. Fittings conform to smacna seal class a construction fittings conform to smacna seal class c construction gauge galvanized steel. Smacna hvac duct construction standards construction book. A comprehensive duct layout indicating sizes, design airflows, pressure class, and routing of the duct system. The third edition of the hvac duct construction standards u metal and flexible is intended primarily for commercial and institutional duct construction. Smacna duct construction standards search engineering360. Sheet metal and air conditioning contractors national association 4201 lafayette center drive chantilly, virginia 201511219 tel 703 8032980 fax 703 8033732. Hvacdcs 3rd edition 2005 physical duct specimen testing finite element.
This technical paper contains errata for the hvac duct. Smacna standard ansismacna 006 hvac duct construction. Also, both options have been shown, so as to provide this manual as a quick reference to smacna standards. Smacna standard access doors double skin only have been tested to higher pressures but will not be constructed per smacna standards and will leak more. Acces pdf smacna duct construction standards 2005 smacna duct construction standards 2005 if you ally obsession such a referred smacna duct construction standards 2005 books that will give you worth, get the unconditionally best seller from us. Nepereny smacna the sheet metal and air conditioning contractors national association, inc. Smacna does not seek to enforce its standards or provide accreditation for compliance. Galvanized or stainless steel gauge table for 2005 smacna duct standard up. Book by sheet metal and air conditioning contractors national association, 2005. The smacna 2012 hvac air duct leakage test manual clearly states that specifications that read test per smacna or similar are invalid and that no leakage tests are require by the smacna hvac duct construction standards 2005 or by this test manual. Midwest metal fabricators standard rectangular products are fabricated to meet smacna s 2005 rev.
Smacna standards smacna manual smacna insulation smacna design smacna oshpod smacna 1981 pdf smacna 1520 smacna handbook smacna duct construction smacna round duct smacna sheet metal manual smacna testing. If the designer does not designate pressure class for duct construction on the contract drawings, the basis of compliance with the smacna hvac duct construction standards is as follows. Ansismacna 0062006 hvac duct construction standards eli p. Acces pdf smacna duct construction standards 2005 smacna duct construction standards 2005 if you ally obsession such a referred smacna duct construction standards 2005 books that will give you worth, get the unconditionally best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. Table a minimum threshold velocities at various internal static pressures. This second edition of the smacna commercial metal and flexible duct construction standards is another in a long line dating from the 1950s.
Fittings conform to smacna seal class c construction up to 10 w. Smacna 19662005 hvac duct construction standards metal. Ansismacna 0062006 hvac duct construction standards. This american national standard ansismacna 0062006 contains tables and details for constructing ductwork for. Smacna commercial metal and flexible duct construction standards is. Stay up to date with the latest smacna information. Air leakage in ductwork rev 02 linx industries, inc. Spiral duct and fittings construction standards air distribution corporation air distribution corporation spiral duct and fittings are manufactured in accordance with applicable.
Hvac duct construction app smacna s new app for its. Smacna hvac duct construction standardsmetal and flexible, third edition 2005. Metal and flexible 2nd edition 1995, and the current smacna duct construction standard hvac duct construction standards. Smacna testing and research institute verified that sheet metal connectors, inc. Smacna standards and manuals address all facets of the sheet metal industry, from duct construction and installation to air pollution control, from energy recovery to roofing. The research also led to the development of the smacna hvac air duct leakage test manual 1st edition 1985 and the leakage class, followed by the smacna hvac air duct leakage test. This american national standard ansismacna 006 contains tables and details for constructing ductwork for. The standard contains tables and details for constructing ductwork for o to 10o wg positive and negative pressures. Fibrous glass duct construction standards sixth edition. Smacna standard architectural sheet metal manual, 7th edition, 2012 pdf download as. Smacna is the sheet metal and air conditioning contractors national association. Smacnahvac duct construction standardsmetal and flexible, third edition 2005.
Smacna 2005 pdf smacna third edition 2005 smacna 2005 3rd edition smacna standard 3rd edition. Eastern sheet metal singlewall round spiral duct and fittings construction standards positive pressure gauge selection for galvanized steel astm a 653, paint grip steel, type 304 and 316 stainless steel. Fur thermore, compliance of any such item with standards published or recognized by smacna is not indicated by presence of the logo. Click here to purchase the full version from the ansi store. Smacna cad symbols dxf format air duct leakage hvac 2011 technical paper pdf file smacna published the hvac air duct leakage test manual in conjunction with the smacna hvac duct construction standards. Smacna sheet metal and air conditioning contractors. Galvanized or stainless steel gauge table for 2005 smacna duct standard up to 10 w. Howard, iii sheet metal and air conditioning contractors national association. The third edition of the hvac duct construction standards metal and flexible is intended primarily for commercial and institutional duct construction. Smacna hvac duct construction standards free download. Construction and products which com ply with these standards will not necessarily be. The types of fittings to be used based on the designers calculations of fitting. Smacna technical manuals and standa rds book price list name. Hvac duct construction standards smacna subscriptions.
Welded black iron grease ducts nfpa 96 makes exception for factorybuilt slope to be installed per its ul instructions. Ansi smacna 0062006 hvac duct construction standards eli p. Duct construction standard metal and flexible 2nd edition 1995, and the current smacna duct construction standard hvac duct construction standards. Errata for hvac duct construction standards, 3rd edition 2005 pdf file. Single wall rectangular ductwork can be shipped completely assembled or knocked down.
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